Join us on a special path of awakening from March 4th through April 25th as we honor this holiday season with daily touchstone videos of brief and relevant spiritual messages for our current times.

Enjoy Today’s Video Below!

I take time to rest so that I can do my best.

Heartmind Happenings and Holidays

March 2025

Click the arrows to read more.

  • With the shakeup of the United States Government, the strain on old alliances and ways of working together, and the threat to freedom and democracy around the world - let us hold all nations, their peoples, and their leaders in our prayers.

    Let us take into our hearts the countries and the people for whom we have a concern by focusing on our own special prayer and on the following statement.

    In our unity of purpose, and our diversity of expression, we are guided by Infinite Wisdom and prospered by Divine Love!

  • The initial intention of Lent is to imitate the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness by Jesus before the beginning of his ministry, which culminated in the events of Holy Week.  The 40 days period excludes Sundays. Every Sunday is a resurrection day to be celebrated with a feast.

    “The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for spring, which is derived from a verb meaning to lengthen.  Lent comes in the spring when the days become noticeably longer.” (Charles Fillmore, Unity Co-founder)

    “When we consider Lent as a well-rounded or ‘completed’ season of retreat from the things of the world for the cleansing of the mind and the recollection of the things of Spirit, it becomes a true season of preparation for the glorious Eastertide; a preparation for the resurrection of the mind from the darkness of its sins, doubts, and false-beliefs into the light of understanding.” (Georgiana Tree West, early Unity author)

Laura Barrett Bennett

Minister of Unity of the Heartmind, Inc. - an online ministry dedicated to enriching individuals and communities around the world through the wisdom and power of the united heart and mind.

Watch The Heartbeat with Larry and Laura - Spiritual Response-ability in a Changing World: Where Do We Start?

You are invited to follow the links below to our first 2025 podcast, parts 1 and 2 with author and Emmy award winning law journalist, Christopher Naughton, for an enlightening conversation addressing the existential crises facing humanity today.

Part I: .

Part II:

Hi, I’m Laura

Heartmind Guide, and…

speaker//educator//author//spiritual coach//scholar of sacred scripture and world religions

facilitator of weddings, memorials and sacred life celebrations, and…

Check out the posting dates of our 5-minute message and prayer videos for March and April holidays.

For previous videos and podcasts search Laura Barrett Bennett at

Laura’s April Schedule.

Sundays, April 2-30: Unity Centre of Montreal Online Talk Series - 11:00 am Eastern and 10:00 a.m. Central Time. You can request a link to the service by sending an email to: .

Are you interested in having your own Heartmind Guide?

If you feel called to live more expansively, more in tune with your spiritual core, I may be the resource you’ve been waiting for.

Sacred texts can reveal the mysteries of your soul

and inspire you to love your life.

  • Mystical communion

    The language of God reveals to you the mysteries of your own soul, moving beyond enlightening study to spiritual revelation.

  • Mindful awareness

    Metaphysical interpretation provides invaluable insight into the nature and evolution of consciousness, both for the individual and the whole of humanity.

  • Masterful living

    The pursuit of deeper meaning in Scripture, and in life, leads to empowering leadership that moves spiritual ideas into action. The result of that? A life of joy.


“Most of us, we just go through life and get so busy, we forget we have a unique contribution to make to the world. Because of Laura’s gentle approach, it’s easy to reflect and contemplate on things like, Why are we here?”

— Florence Monzon, founding spiritual leader of

Unity Philippines Spiritual Center

Here’s some specially selected MUSIC to awaken your heartmind:


“Laura has a huge heart and cares tremendously about people.

She’s brilliant, the way she listens to your heart even if you’re not fully hearing it yourself .”

— Donna Corbett

“When you engage with the Bible to know God in yourself, people will know God in themselves when they engage with you.”

— Laura Barrett Bennett

When the heartmind is fully awakened, the mind is guided by intuitive wisdom as the heart expands in its love for life.

Laura’s gift for you:

“7 Ways to Awaken Your Heartmind”

See Services Page for the Date and Time of a Free Introductory Workshop, “Awakening the Heartmind.” And…

Download this free phone wallpaper as a daily reminder of specific ways you can tap into your intuitive wisdom and inspire your spirit.

Fill in the form below to download your free motivational phone wallpaper!