The Intuitive Wisdom of the Heartmind

To feel the Truth in the core of your being is to know that you know that you know. While it can inspire great passion, this feeling is more than emotion. Emotion comes under the umbrella of feeling, but not all feeling is emotion. Rather, this feeling calms the emotions and clears the mind, allowing us to see what could not be seen by the mind cluttered with old thinking and reactive emotion. It gives us a new insight and a new creative way to be in life. This is the highest form of reason implied by the ancient philosophers. It is not intellectual conceptualization, but an inception of spiritual logic that comes from beyond the intellect. It is the intuitive wisdom of the heartmind.

The singular form of the connected heart and mind is what I call the heartmind. To anchor the mind in the heart is to feel a presence and power that stills the thoughts, and renders a fresh experience of the Truth. This is because there is an intelligence of the heart that is greater than the thinking intellect.

In approaching anything in our world from the place of the heartmind, we can see the beauty of Spirit, and hear the language of God in the sights and sounds of life, as well as the silence of quiet meditation. When the mental exploits and rational discernment of the intellect are anchored in the intuitive wisdom and passionate commitment of the heart, the soul is fully engaged in an exploration of new discoveries and transformational experiences of the Truth. From this place comes the inception of new inspiration, and we know that we know that we know.

Deb Beroset

Creative Muse & Mentor of Delight.

I’m a multi-passionista who found her true groove in the second half of life…and am honored to serve and connect soulful women with their magic and with each other.

God is Not What You Think